General Club Information
The Lakers Car Club was formed in January of 1990 by a group of people who wanted to preserve and enjoy their old cars with others who shared their interest in old cars. Most of the members live in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
The Lakers are a general interest car club open to anyone interested in restoring, driving, showing or socializing with other people who share their interest in old cars. The club is open to all domestic and foreign cars and trucks over twenty years old as well as any special interest or limited production autos.
The Lakers are a family orientated club. A club membership includes all the members of the family (including children). The whole family, including children, are welcome at all the club meetings, functions and activities. A club membership includes both the husband and wife or significant other. Dues are $20.00 per year.
The club also has an Annual Club Christmas Party in December. New club officers are elected at the party and the years event committees are formed. Donations for the local food shelf and the Toys For Tots programs are also collected at the party.